Computing Connected Components of a Mesh
Point Cloud Utils lets you easily find connected components of a mesh using the connected_components
import point_cloud_utils as pcu
v, f = pcu.load_mesh_vf("tree.ply")
# * cv a [num_vertices,]-shaped array where cv[i] is the integer
# id of the connected component for vertex v[i]
# * nv is a [num_connected_components]-shaped array where nv[j] is
# the number of vertices in connected component j
# * cf a [num_faces,]-shaped array where cf[i] is the integer
# id of the connected component for face f[i]
# * nv is a [num_connected_components]-shaped array where nf[j] is
# the number of faces in connected component j
cv, nv, cf, nf = pcu.connected_components(v, f)